Sunday, December 1, 2013

2nd Novel Blog Post (Bird by Bird)

One thing I am noticing as the book progresses is that the chapters are not all that well defined. My guess is that this stems from her trying to make the book as little preachy and manual-esque as possible. But it occasionally verges on being sort just a run on story. Her humor is often the highlight of the chapter but because of that I think her actual message about writing gets obscured a tiny bit. But at that same time that's what makes it a really enjoyable read... So I'm not even really sure how to assess that.... Despite that though, I am continuing to be more and more begrudgingly excited about writing. I haven't really had all that much interest in writing in a couple years, but reading this book kind of ignites the fire again. She talks about writing with almost this reverence. And it's inspiring.

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