Wednesday, December 11, 2013

#4 Novel Blog Post (Bird)

I really enjoyed this book. It was absolutely rib-crackingly hilarious at times and unbearably poignant at others. I love her sarcasm. A passage that particularly shone for me was on page 168 where she talks about finding someone to read your rough drafts...

"If the person says no, it's good to wait until you get inside your car before you fall apart completely. Then you can rend your clothes and keen and do a primal scream. Of course, you probably want to be sure that the person hasn't followed you out to your car. But it actually doesn't matter if he or she sees you break down, because you don't have to be friendly with that person anymore. That person is a jerk."

And then her discussions about death and Pammy and how she parents her son are incredible. It almost transcends a "writing" novel and, as all great books do, addresses the human condition with all of its trials.

Ah-mazing book.

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